Showing posts with label floral painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label floral painting. Show all posts

Sunday, January 7, 2018

"White Peony Glory" (oil on stretched canvas; 12" x 12") sold


This painting was forced on me. I didn't want to paint it. I protested that it was impossible. But my client insisted that it should and could be done. So, willy nilly, I transformed a rectangular painting in watercolor into a square one in oil. I rather like the result. How about you?

"White Peony Rhapsody" (watercolor on paper; 7" x 10")

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Hydrangea Garden" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


I realized that I haven't painted hydrangeas at all this year.  That's won't do!  I pulled out a picture I took last year and went to work.  Fresh as the morning dew, white hydrangeas bloom against a white picket fence.  Ah, the glory of hydrangeas!

I quickly established the value pattern with transparent paints.

I started laying down opaque paints on the background, flowers, and leaves.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

"Double Cherry Blossoms" (oil on linen; 8" x 8") sold


I am back!  I was gone on a family trip to Minnesota, visiting family and the University of Minnesota campus (my daughter wants to go there for college).  It was still winter in Minnesota. It even snowed. In central Minnesota, we hear it snowed a foot.  It is good to be back to spring!

Spring fever and allergies are what I am suffering from.  Do you know what?  I can live with them!  For weeks, I didn't know what to paint.  Now I have too many subjects to choose from. To make matters worse, it is difficult to stay inside.  Either I am working in my garden or taking pictures of flowers at home or at parks.  It's a hard life.  Hehe.

Double cherry tree smothered with flowers.  Ah, I love spring.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014