
Friday, December 27, 2013

"Frankie" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


"Frankie" is for Amy, who commissioned the painting for her mother.  Frankie is a 23-year-old chestnut, Canadian Warmblood Sport Horse.  According to Amy's mom, "calm" is the best adjective to describe him.  Does he look calm in the portrait?  I think he does.

Frankie is a rescue horse.  Although her family think he is perfect, he is not, physically speaking.  He has only one eye (his right one); his left eye is sewn closed.  He is big (about 17 hands) and a bit thin.  Fortunately over the past 8 months, he has gained some weight.

It is easy to love someone or some thing beautiful, adorable, cute, handsome, etc.  It takes a big heart and true love of animals to adopt and take care of a disabled, malnourished horse who was probably abused.  I thank you, Amy's mom, for giving a second chance and happy retirement to Frankie.

Monday, December 23, 2013

"Indiana Jones" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


"Indiana Jones" is for Sean, who commissioned the painting for his family.  This happy dog is a rescue dog and has been a huge part of Sean's family ever since his parents rescued her as a puppy in 2004.  She got the cool name, Indi for short, as a result of his little brothers' favorite movie being "Indiana Jones" at that time.

Indi is a mutt, probably part Greyhound and part Plott Hound. She is a lovable dog who is shy around people she doesn't know, but incredibly friendly to those she knows.  She is full of energy and loves to run around the backyard.  That said, she is happiest sleeping on the couch, or watching TV with the family!

I still have a few more commissions to finish, but there is only one of me!  I would like to thank all my readers for following my blog.  My special thanks go to my clients who have kept me super busy for the past several weeks.  On Christmas morning all over the country, many families will receive my paintings.  There will be cries of joy, perhaps some tears as well, because quite a few of my cats and dogs have gone to heaven.  My sincere hope is that I've brought you happiness.


Saturday, December 21, 2013

"Max" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


"Max" is for Dustin, who commissioned the painting for his family.  Max is a 12-year-old Great Pyrenees and still alive.  Yeah!  He is a huge dog and all fur, probably 6' 2" when on his hind legs!  He thinks he is a small lap dog though and will routinely try and sit on your lap.  He loves to run around with his sister and pretend that he is still a puppy.  He is always smiling, just like he is in the painting.  According to Dustin, Max is the most gentle and smiley dog in history.  I believe Dustin.

Friday, December 20, 2013

"Deacon and Fern" (oil on linen; 12" x 9") sold


"Deacon and Fern" is for Jennifer, who commissioned the portrait of the two dogs to lift the spirits of her parents-in-law.  They lost both dogs this year, with the boxer having died of cancer just this month.  I hope my painting gives them some comfort.

Deacon, the German Shepherd, was a big dog who was very protective of and sweet to his family.  He would never have hurt anyone, but he sure looked scary!  He was just a big teddy bear at heart.

Fern, the boxer, was another sweet dog.  She was friendly with all visitors.  She was always the first to greet anyone at the door and jump up at you for attention.  Her little tail wiggled around like crazy!

Deacon and Fern were great friends and loved lying on the couch in the sunroom.  The first picture Jennifer sent me showed exactly such a scene, except that they were facing the opposite direction, looking all pooped out.  The second picture, which I used for the painting, was taken outside on a sunny day.

I really like the composition.  Each dog occupies its own space and their portraits capture different angles (Deacon's is a profile portrait and Fern's, a three-quarter one).  Neither is anybody's sidekick, yet they belong together.  Noble, strong, and handsome.  They will live forever in my portrait and in their family's heart.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Sam" (oil on linen; 14" x 11") sold


"Sam" is for Kristin and her brother, who commissioned the painting for their father.  Sam is a four-year-old black Labrador.  He is a field trial champion and came all the way from Ireland! The reference picture was taken in their dad's hunting blind in Chesapeake on a beautiful autumn day, when Sam retrieved eight geese.

Kristin initially ordered a 10" x 8" pet portrait.  Boy, I wished for a larger painting, so that I could do justice to such an awesome subject.  Then I could paint not only the portrait of the noble dog, but also the still life tableau of the game and hunting blind in the foreground and the autumn landscape in the background.  Somehow, Kristin telepathically read my mind and decided to upgrade.  The power of positive thinking got proven again!

They say that a dog is a man's best friend.  Sam is indeed Kristin's dad's best friend.  Can you imagine how proud and happy Kristin's dad will be when he learns about the thoughtful present on Christmas?  He will only see a card with the image of "Sam"; the painting will arrive after the New Year's Day.  I would like to thank here several clients who kindly agreed to the late deliveries of their orders.  As one client said, it is worth it!

"Sam" in progress

By the way, I took a picture of the painting in progress yesterday.  I don't usually do this, because it puts an additional pressure on myself and the step-by-step photos taken in my studio always have strange white balance.  But I get inquiries about my procedures from curious fellow artists, so here we go.  I use the same methods for all my oil paintings, whether portraits, landscapes, or florals.

I use the grid method to transfer the image to the linen panel.  (Can you see the grids I drew on the print on the left?)  Drawing in raw umber gets done fast.  The next step is a transparent underpainting over the drawing.  The geese in the foreground in the painting has, at this point, only a thin layer of transparent paints, but don't they already look finished?

My goal at this stage is to establish the correct value and color temperature scheme.  Much of the drawing gets lost, as you can see in the dog, who lost all the facial features.  But it's okay.  I don't blindly paint by numbers.  Painting is a continual drawing process with a brush!

I have already started blocking in with thick opaque paints in the landscape background and the weedy foreground.  It probably took about an hour or so to get this far.  It took four additional hours to finish the painting.  (Facial features alone sometimes take a hour.)  It was a long day yesterday!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

"Gracie" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Gracie" is for Cecilia, who commissioned me to paint two pet portraits for her mother.  Gracie, a Lab/Great Pyrenees mix, is a bit shy with people at first, but loyal and sweet with dogs of all sizes, particularly little dogs.  Doesn't her sweet nature come through in the portrait?

Unlike "Georgie", we had trouble finding the right photo for the commission.  Fortunately, Cecilia's dad was in on it, so he helped out by sending us more and more pictures.  My client wanted two paintings in the same format, so that they would look great when hung side by side. It was a good idea because the two dogs are about the same size and similar coloring (black and white).  Eventually there was a picture I could crop down to the sweet square to match "Georgie".  I think our quest was worth it!

"Gracie" and "Georgie" side by side

Saturday, December 14, 2013

"Georgie" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Georgie" is the first painting for Cecilia, who commissioned two pet portraits for her mother.  Georgie is a three-year-old Pit Bull/Irish Terrier mix.  He is a wild man who torments Gracie, the subject of the next painting, but loves all human beings to a fault.  He picks on dogs smaller than himself!

Don't you just love the light in this painting?  As Georgie was posing calmly in his back seat in the car, the winter afternoon light hit his right side down to the shoulder.  When I saw the reference photo, my eyes lit up with delight!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Newman" (oil on linen; 12" x 9") sold


"Newman" is for Jennifer, who commissioned the painting for her husband.  Newman is a 14-month-old fun dog of an unknown breed.  Jennifer and her husband were told that he was a border collie/lab mix, but in order to get to the bottom of things, they got a DNA test done.  As it turns out, Newman is a true mutt mix--collie, American Staffordshire terrier, German spitz, Portuguese water dog, and a few other things!

The young couple adopted Newman one year ago from an animal shelter in the tiny town of Newman, CA.  He and his 9 siblings were abandoned on the side of the road.  He was filthy and smelly, but the cutest filthy smelly puppy ever!  Jennifer knew he was her dog the moment she saw him.

Newman is super smart, which, I am sure, you can tell from his portrait.  He has never met another dog/cat/person he doesn't like.  He is the biggest lovebug and is quite possibly the most snuggly dog on the planet.  Jennifer and Newman go running almost everyday.  They also hike in a state park by their house, where he gets to run around the forest and in the creeks. Newman is basically the happiest dog ever.

I must say something about how the painting was born.  There was a good head/shoulder shot I was going to use for the commission.  Then I learned about his "Michael Jackson paw".  Only one of his pictures (puppy picture at that) showed his one white paw.  I also found out that he loves the beach.  So I pasted his handsome face on the puppy body and put him on a beach.  I also invented the outdoorsy shadows.  I sincerely hope I pulled it off.  What do you say?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"Juno" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


"Juno" is for Madeline, who commissioned the painting for her husband.  Juno is a one-and-a-half-year-old Goldendoodle who loves rubber balls.  She is a wonderful guard dog and pal to Madeline's baby son.  She has yet to meet a person whom she doesn't like, regardless of how they feel about her!  She still has some puppy exuberance, but she always has a bit of regalness about her, that's why her nickname is Lady Juno.  

Madeline liked another photo better for the commission, but the moment I saw my favorite picture with a titled head and puzzled, inquisitive expression, I was sold.  I talked Madeline into this composition.  She graciously accepted my suggestion, with one proviso: get rid of the hunting vest Juno was wearing.  So I did.  Thank you, Madeline!

Monday, December 9, 2013

"Francis" (oil on linen; 8" x 10") sold


"Francis" is for Mike DiCenzo.  Mike commissioned the painting for his friend, John, who just got a cat that he loves.  When I saw the picture of Francis, my heart melted, so I can believe why this cat is special to John.

Francis is a six-month-old kitten of an unknown, but beautiful, breed.  I asked Mike about Francis's fun facts.  In my mind, I could see him scratching his head.  How would he know much about his friend's cat?  He said that Francis likes to spoon with John!

I have a fun fact about Mike for you.  He is a writer on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.  So is John, by the way.  I am feeling famous, painting for famous people and all.  Hahaha!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

"Lily" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Lily" is the last painting for Cameron.  Lily, a Dachshund, is the newest addition to the family, having just joined the bunch a year ago.  She is still a little wild, but her favorite perch for snoozing is any warm lap!  It is wonderful to see dogs with canine companions, because dogs get lonely when their human family are not around the house.  Thank you, Cameron, for trusting me to paint these darling dogs.  You are the third person to order three pet portraits!

Friday, December 6, 2013

"Chico" (oil on linen; 8" x 6") sold


"Chico" is the second painting for Cameron.  He is a mutt (probably Chihuahua mix) that her boyfriend's parents rescued from Honduras when they were living there.  He generally does his own thing, bu is also very sweet.  I would like to add that he looks like an intelligent dog.  Chico likes to sit on his haunches like a prairie dog!

In the reference photo, Chico had squinty eyes because of the bright dappled light.  I changed them to alert, wide-open eyes.  Aren't I good?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Bruno" (oil on linen; 8" x 6") sold


"Bruno" is the first painting for Cameron, who commissioned three pet portraits for her future parents-in-law.  Since they have everything and adore their three dogs, she thought pet portraits would make the perfect gift.  I must say that Cameron is the smarted young lady I have ever come across!

Bruno, a Dachshund, is a lover.  He is very affectionate and wouldn't hurt a fly.  Even in this small portrait, his gentle personality comes through, don't you agree?

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

"Pucci" (oil on linen; 8" x 10") sold


"Pucci" is for Tammy, whom I met last April during the workshop with Dreama Tolle Perry.  She has been following me ever since and asked me to paint "Pucci" for her husband for Christmas.  I was thrilled with such a request by a fellow artist.  Thank you, Tammy.

Before I go on talking about Pucci's special qualities, I have to mention something else.  Before this "beach dog" painting was born, there was the "Christmas dog" painting that I had in mind, as one of the initial pictures Tammy sent me had a photo of Pucci sitting in front of a Christmas tree and presents.  Perfect!  As soon as I printed out a Photoshopped image and drew a grid on it for the painting project, she sent me another picture of Pucci walking on a beach.  The moment I saw it, I threw out the "Christmas dog" painting out of the window.  Look at the finished painting.  If I may say so, isn't it awesome!

Pucci was a shelter rescue at the age of two.  She was possibly a Chow mixed with Shetland Sheepdog.  She expressed her love and gratitude everyday.  She went to work with Tammy and her husband, slept by their side, and followed their every footstep.

Tammy's family live in a rural area with a big yard near a pond.  Pucci loved to lie in the shade of a maple tree, "overlooking her kingdom."  They also have a house on the East Coast, where she loved the beach.  People stopped them on their walks to tell them how beautiful she was. She especially enjoyed that!  You see, I had to paint Pucci walking on the beach.  She would be happy in the dog heaven.

Pucci passed away in May unexpectedly, and she is in Tammy and her husband's thoughts everyday.

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Sadie" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


"Sadie" is for Kim and Gary, who commissioned the painting for Gary's parents.  The adorable Sadie is a five-year-old Wheaten terrier and their "baby" since they have no kids at home.  

There was a debate about the composition.  Kim wanted a shoulder up shot, which would show the fluffiness of Sadie's face and the kindness of her eyes.  On the other hand, Gary suggested a full body painting with the outdoor background.  His parents take Sadie on walks along the Eno River in North Carolina many times each week, so such a painting would be more meaningful to them.  Following Gary's suggestion, I combined two pictures: one with Sadie's head slightly tilted, which I cropped to zoom in on the head, and another with the rock bed background.

By the way, this is my first 8" x 10" single pet portrait.  It is large enough to have a developed background AND the expressive portrait of Sadie.  I believe that the environment in which the subject is situated is vital to the success of a painting, whether an airy, colorful ground, a grassy lawn, an interior with a couch , or a rocky park with dappled light.  So much so that, I almost always paint the background first!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Casey" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Casey" is for Diane, who commissioned the painting for her Dad.  Casey was a pound dog and was probably a German Shepherd/Doberman mix.  He passed away this October at the ripe old age of 14.

Casey had his quirks, like hiding in the bathtub whenever it stormed, or running away from flies.  On the brave side, he loved chasing the wildlife that ventured into his yard.  One time he actually caught up to a bunny; he pawed at it until it took off running again, so that he could chase it some more!

He had a cool sense of style.  He never liked to be without his snazzy bandana.  In all the pictures Diane sent me, he was with different bandanas!  The blue one he is wearing in the painting sported Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, which I edited out in fear of the cute reindeer detracting from the noble pose.

Casey's favorite time of year was right around Christmas.  He'd sleep by the tree and be the first one up on Christmas morning, nudging his stocking to get at the treats.  He was an awesome companion and adored Diane's dad.  He is missed terribly by his family.

Friday, November 29, 2013

"Zoe" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Zoe" is for Mary Anne.  Mary Anne inherited the six-year-old Siamese cat from her old aunt who had her for two years before passing.  Zoe is very sweet at home, but turns into the cat from hell at the vet!

One curious fact about Zoe is that she likes to get in the sink.  In one picture she was indeed poking her head out of the sink.  I loved the expression on her face, so I pasted the head to the body of another picture, in which she was looking down from a sofa.  As I told Mary Anne, I combined the sofa cat's body with the sink cat's head!

By the way, I was very happy to accept this commission, because, for whatever reason, I haven't been able to paint too many cats.  Sure, you cannot play Frisbee with a cat or take a cat for a walk, but cats have such elegant forms!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

"Madison" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Madison" is for Katie, who commissioned the painting for her in-laws as a Christmas present.  So, as usual, mum's the word!  Madison was a Bernese Mountain Dog.  She was a prim and proper lady.  She pranced everywhere she went, and would always get excited whenever she could wear her "pretties" (the collar with pom poms).  She was gentle, sweet, and afraid of everything nonsensical--garbage cans, baby gates, exercise balls--you name it!  Madison passed away last year at the age of ten.

I don't know if you would believe me, but I miss Madison although I have never met her.  All the deceased pets I painted make me sad.  I wish our cats and dogs could live longer.  I hope my art brings joy and closure to their owners.

I would like to thank all my readers, clients, and fans.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"Apple" (oil on linen; 7" x 5") sold


"Apple" is for Elena, who commissioned the painting for her dad.  Apple is a one-year-old, wire-haired fox terrier/bichon/field spaniel mix.  According to Elena, Apple is a total goofball, and I love her more for that, because I am occasionally a goofball myself!

By the way, I've noticed that quite a few of my pet portrait orders are by daughters for their fathers or in-laws.  We women, the loving, caring, gift-giving gender, rock!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"Dylan and Chipper" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


For several days, I was busy getting ready for an art show, which took place last Sunday.  Now it is over, and I am back to my daily painting routine.  I have nine pet portrait commissions to finish in the next couple of weeks, so you will be seeing a pet portrait a day, even during the Thanksgiving holiday!

"Dylan and Chipper" is for Susan.  Her daughter, Dylan, has been begging for a portrait of Chipper.  Among the pictures Susan sent me, I liked  the one with the 11-year-old horse enthusiast and Chipper, so it became not just of a horse painting, but a painting of the ride and rider.  Don't you love the chemistry between the two?  Dylan was wearing a black shirt and a black hat in the picture, which were turned into a red shirt and a white hat for the painting. Now the picture sings!

Chipper is a 11-year-old American Quarter Horse.  "Cashing in the Chips" is his registered name; Chipper is his barn name.  An animal psychic told the family that he knows he is a "one handsome dude."!  He is happy to be owned and have "his person".  He believes his job is to babysit Dylan and he takes it very seriously.

In his youth Chipper was a world champion in both Western Pleasure and English HUS.  Dylan competes on him in both disciplines.  He loves to show, because people are finally acknowledging his beauty and athleticism.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"Abby" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Abby" is for Emily, who used to be my daughter's babysitter and the best babysitter in the world too!  She is now all grown up and moved away, but she has been following my blog.  She decided to order a pet portrait for her friend, Susie, for Christmas.

Sweet Abby is a 12-year-old Cockapoo.  She is spunky for her age, loves to go on walks, and enjoys being outside.  She loves making new friends, and is one of the few dogs who are not bothered in the least by other animals.  She walks by squirrels, cats, and other dogs, without even looking twice.  Abby has been a great companion for Susie, who got her as a newborn puppy!

By the way, it is not too late to order pet portraits for Christmas.  Please send your pet's pictures to  A separate page on my blog, "Pet Portrait Orders", will answer all the questions you may have about ordering a pet portrait.  Thanks!

Monday, November 18, 2013

"Moose" (oil on linen; 8" x 6") sold


"Moose" is for Holly, who found me on the Internet.  There are many competent pet portrait artists out there, but she chose me!  I am honored.  Moose is a one-year-old St. Bernard and belongs to Holly's daughter, for whom the painting was painted.

I have been dying to paint a St. Bernard, so I was thrilled at the opportunity.  According to Holly, Moose is a well-behaved, laid-back puppy.  To my question of whether he drools massively like Beethoven in the namesake movie, she said: "Not yet, but it's coming!"

By the way, it is not too late to order pet portraits for Christmas.  Please send your pet's pictures to  A separate page on my blog, "Pet Portrait Orders", will answer all the questions you may have about ordering a pet portrait.  Thanks!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

"My Angel" (oil on linen; 8" x 10") sold


While going through my old print photo albums, I found a darling picture of my old friend with her daughter.  When my daughter was a preschooler, I used to host many play dates and play groups--I was indeed a queen of play dates!  I miss my old friends and their kids.  Some moved away; I lost contact with others, all busy with life and work.

On one of my play groups, four moms and six children had a glorious time, dining on homemade dishes, playing outside, then playing dress ups and games inside.  Megan, in my daughter's pink angel costume, got worn out with too much fun and crawled to her mommy's arms.  I was fortunate to catch such a tender moment with my camera.  When I was painting "My Angel", I felt like Mary Cassatt, a famous 19th-century American artist who painted many intimate paintings of mother and child.

By the way, I've decided to offer custom portraits of children.  I am excited!  If you are interested in getting your children's or grandchildren's portraits, or your own mother-and-child double portrait, please check out my Etsy shop.  Thanks!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Opie" (oil on linen; 6" x 8") sold


"Opie" is for Holly, who commissioned it for her son, Eli.  I have painted Opie before with his buddy, Rainey. Opie, a wire-haired Dachshund, is super mischievous, fun-loving, and goofy. The reference photo showed a disproportionately big nose, caused by the camera distortion. This was a bonus as far as Holly was concerned, because it captured perfectly his "goofiness".  I am glad I followed her gut instinct.  Who can resist Opie!

"Opie and Rainey" (oil, 9" x 12"; sold)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"Kendell and Tomp" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


"Kendell and Tomp" is for Missy.  She commissioned the painting for her father-in-law, who misses Tomp, a very large golden retriever.  Tomp, even at 165 pounds, thought he was a small lap dog, so he would sit on Missy's, or any visitor's lap!

Missy's father-in-law had health issues for the past few years.  Whenever he was hospitalized, she and her children would take care of Tomp.  They would take him for a ride.  He expected to be taken to the drive-through donut shop for a blueberry donut.

Tomp had huge feet and a huge head with more slanted eyes than usual, so he looked like smiling with his whole face at times.  Among several pictures Missy sent me, one particular photo with a rosy-cheeked girl caught my eye.  Kendell was holding his face to accentuate his happy look!  They say that a dog is a man's best friend.  That may be so, but dogs are also children's best friends.  Who doesn't have fond memories of dogs one had as a child?

By the way, it is not too late to order pet portraits for Christmas.  Please send your pet's pictures to  A separate page on my blog, "Pet Portrait Orders", will answer all the questions you may have about ordering a pet portrait.  Thanks!

Monday, November 11, 2013

"Young Mexican Dancer" (oil on linen; 14" x 11") sold


During the annual Halloween parades of my daughter's high school marching band, I've noticed a group of kids dressed up in colorful traditional costumes.  I thought they were enthusiastic audience, as quite a few local residents showed up in costumes.  No, they were a troupe who were to perform Mexican dances as part of the parade entertainments.  Awesome!

I sat in front of the crowd to enjoy the boys' and girls' dance routines, when one girl caught my eye.  Her poised beauty at her young age (she was probably around 10) was mesmerizing.  I had to paint her.  What do you think of my effort?

By the way, I've decided to offer custom portraits of children.  I am excited!  If you are interested in getting your children's or grandchildren's portraits done for the holiday, please check out my Etsy listing.  Thanks!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"Purple Irises in the Sun" (oil on linen; 4" x 5") sold


I realized that all of my iris paintings were done in a portrait, i.e., vertical, format.  It is not surprising, as that is how irises grow--tall and majestic.  I decided to challenge myself to paint a horizontal iris painting.  The dark reds and greens in the background make this small painting pulsate with heat!

Monday, November 4, 2013

"Summer Roses" (oil on linen; 5" x 4") sold

I h
ad trouble titling this small gem.  "Rosy Glow"?  "Rose Brilliant"?  "Rose Shadow Play"?  In the end, I settled with "Summer Roses" although I took the reference photo for the painting in early fall.  Do you know why?  The painting just feels hot!  The sun casts colorful shadows on the petals; the background is shrouded in cool darks, from which a few sunlit leaves emerge. How would you title the painting instead?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

"Peonies in the Sun" (oil on linen, 8" x 10") sold


I have an artist friend who is on an ongoing "peony quest".  In other words, she keeps painting peonies.  She has probably painted hundreds of peonies!  It is true that I am not as devoted to these fragrant, luscious spring flowers as she is.  Nevertheless, I feel unfulfilled if I don't create several peony paintings in a year.  How do you like my new painting?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"White Pansies in the Sun" (oil on linen; 4" x 5") sold


I love pansies. They are one of the few hardy and dependable plants with a very long season. Their cheerful faces greet us during the entire duration of the cool season for months. In this small painting, a group of white pansies glow in the morning sun.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Pink Rose of Sharon" (oil on linen; 5" x 4") sold


I painted flowers that looked just like the rose of sharon back in July and boldly titled the painting as such.  Guess what?  I was wrong.  A Faccbook friend corrected me; another friend confirmed my error.  Isn't that great?  By the way, the rose of sharon is the Korean national flower.  I don't know why my countrymen picked the flower, but there it is.

"Pink Hollyhocks" (watercolor on Yupo, 10" x 8"; 150)
click here to buy

On a personal note, I have been absent from my studio for the past three days on account of my daughter's marching band activities.  As my husband and I volunteer as the pit crew and in other capacities, we were busy helping the band for most of the weekend.  I am glad that the marching season is almost over, so that I can get back to my daily painting routine!

Friday, October 25, 2013

"Sunny Hydrangea Garden" (oil on linen; 8" x 8") sold


I have a soft spot for hydrangeas.  Their huge heads of pastel florets that grace gardens in late spring tug at my heartstrings as few other flowers do.  Now the weather has turned chilly, the image of a sunny garden with hydrangeas abloom is perfect to lift my spirit.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"Gibson" (oil on linen; 6" x 8") sold


"Gibson" is for my old friend, Karen.  She asked me to paint Gibson for her sister-in-law, Amy. Amy, a vet, loves Huskies.  Gibson, who passed away a year ago, was a sweetheart.  I can relate to that.  Strong, handsome, noble--that's how I feel about Huskies.  My mother-in-law had a Husky named Jediah, who always sat by me at dinner table, because he knew I was a softie, sneaking him food under the table.

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you want to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Friday, October 18, 2013

"Mischief" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Mischief" is for Steve, my graduate school buddy and fellow historian, except that I no longer teach and he is still an overworked history professor!  Mischief, or Missy for short, was an English Springer Spaniel.  She was the runt of the litter, and the breeders didn't think she was up for the job as a gun dog.  Steve and his siblings got his father the puppy for Christmas the year their mother passed away.  My friend was as attached to Mischief as his dad was and considered her his dog too.  She died this summer and the painting is going to be the Christmas present for Steve Sr.

Mischief was a sweet, kind-hearted dog and behaved like a much younger dog all her long life. We had a lot of photos to choose from; Steve picked one particular photo, because he wanted to remember her outside and playing her favorite game of Frisbee.  I hope she approves from the dog heaven.

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you want to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Hope Poppy" (oil on linen; 4" x 5") gift


I painted "Hope Poppy" as a gift to Pat MacMaster.  She found me on Facebook, fell in love with my paintings, and ordered two pet portraits.  In other words, she is a great fan.  Then she went out of her way to introduce my work to her friend, who was uncomfortable with the computer stuff.  So Pat served as a go-between, sending me Lynn's dogs' pictures, texting her, etc.  To make the long story short, I was able to paint and sell three pet portraits thanks to her.

When she first sent me the email about her friend, I was down.  Suddenly I felt the surge of optimism.  Someone loved my work so much that she spent her rare visit with her friend, talking her into ordering paintings.  I felt hope.  Yes, I can do it.  I can make a go of it as a full-time artist!

I titled the small painting "Hope Poppy."  A bright poppy is in full bloom amongst lush greens; a bud will open another day.  "Hope Poppy" is filled with light and hope.  Thank you, Pat.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Felix" (oil on linen; 6" x 8") sold


"Felix" is the second painting for Holly's family.  Felix is a 16-year-old tabby cat and is missed terribly by her grown-up son, Simon, who has moved out of the house.  Obviously, the painting is for Simon!

In the reference photo, in which Felix is sunning next to the fire logs, there was a blur of something, sticking out of his right ear, catching light.  I couldn't figure out what it was until Holly explained it to me.  The little tufts of hair extend from the tips of his ears, and are one of his distinguishing features.  Otherwise, he'd look like any other tabby cat.  Boy, I am glad I waited for this communication, because I was going to edit them out!

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you want to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

"Opie and Rainey" (oil on linen; 9" x 12") sold


"Opie and Rainey" is for Holly, who found me on Etsy.  It is the first of the three paintings I am doing for her family.  I have become a Santa's helper--a pet portraitist elf!  Opie on the right is a wire-haired Dachshund; Rainey on the left is a Jack Russell.  The two are great buddies, with Opie being super mischievous and fun-loving.

As you can see, they are heart-meltingly adorable and are the reason why Holly's son, Eli, comes home once a week for his "dog fix."  But I am getting ahead of myself.  The painting is for Holly's husband.  Eli will be getting a smaller one.  Once again, my readers, keep the whole thing secret.  Mum's the word....

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you want to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Friday, October 11, 2013

"Daisy May" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Daisy May" is the third and last painting for Lynn's family.  Miss Daisy May is a 10-year-old dachshund and is a Daddy's girl.  He likes to takes her pictures on vacation.  The sweet dog lounging in an Adirondack chair in the afternoon sun is all about happy family time!

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you are dying to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

"Henry" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Henry" is the second painting for Lynn's family.  Henry is a one-year-old dachshund.  He is a Daddy's boy, but currently lives with Lynn's son, Kevin.

Henry obviously has a promising career ahead of him as a model.  Even from the tiny file, probably taken with a phone, I could tell what an incredible painting it would make.  The late afternoon light pours into the room.  The puppy is lying down in the sun on a wooden floor.  The far and front ends of the picture frame are in deep shadow.  Someone calls his name, so he turns his head to look.  A moment captured; a lasting beauty.

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you are dying to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Southern Gentleman" (oil on linen; 14" x 11") sold


Today I have a great news to share.  My painting, "Southern Gentleman," got juried into the October figurative show at the Art League in Alexandria, VA.  It's a double honor.  I don't paint figures often, so getting into a figure show is a big deal.  Besides, the juried shows at the Art League are fiercely competitive.  This acceptance marks the third time since July: making three shows out of four definitely calls for a celebration!

I painted "Southern Gentleman" during the three-day workshop with Robert Liberace at the Art League School in Alexandria, VA in March 2012.  Rob is a big name in today's figurative painting in the country.  Just watching him paint was a thrilling experience. The workshop was called "The Painterly Sketch: Advanced Alla-Prima Portrait".

Alla Prima, or "premier coup," is a way of painting that involves the direct application of color without an elaborate underpainting.  Great painters such as Frans Hals and John Singer Sargent, or the contemporary master Richard Schmid, are often linked to this direct, daredevil approach to painting.

On the last day of the head-spinning workshop, I had about two hours left to paint the elderly model.  Speaking of pressure!  The model came for the sitting, dressed in a southern gentleman's outfit.  What fun!  He was a kind, Civil-War buff, who reminded me of Colonel Sanders.

I am happy to report that Rob was impressed with my final effort; so was I.  In particular, he liked the way I handled the forehead of the model and his costume. He said something about "sophisticated"!  I was in heaven.  Now that the painting also made the Art League show, I am doubly proud!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Bennett James" (oil on linen; 8" x 6") sold


"Bennett James" is for Lynn.  Mr. Bennett James, a 12-year-old sheep dog, is going to be a Christmas present for Lynn's daughter, Kim.  As a matter of fact, there are two more paintings coming up, because everybody in Lynn's family is going to get a pet portrait for this Christmas!

I would like to thank my awesome fan, Pat MacMaster, who introduced my work to her college friend, Lynn!

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you are dying to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Monday, October 7, 2013

"Dark Kisses" (oil on linen; 4" x 5") sold


Hershey's Kisses has got to be one of the greatest culinary inventions of all times.  These bite-sized pieces of chocolate, shaped like flat-bottomed teardrops and wrapped in shiny foils, have brought so much pleasure to kids of all ages.  You can pop several of these into mouth without going overboard with your dietary budget.  My favorite is, of course, Dark Chocolate Kisses, wrapped in royal violet.  How about you?

Another great virtue of Kisses is that they are fabulously paintable.  Put them on a colorful fabric, like passionate scarlet in my painting.  Crinkled foils start reflecting confetti bits of colors all over.  If you position the chocolates with flags strategically, they look like a couple of lovers!

Friday, October 4, 2013

"Beagle Love" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


A cute foxhound/beagle mix on a chic white leather sofa.  Oh, I want to hug him!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

"Chihuahuas Rule" (oil on linene; 8" x 12") sold


"Chihuahuas Rule" is for my Facebook fan, Lisa.  For my first chihuahua painting, I got to paint four of them.  Thanks, Lisa!  From left to right, they are Tido (9 years old), Logan (8), Mary (8), and Tyson (8).  They all turn 9 this year.  They are not related to each other.

Tido is the oldest and Alpha male.  He is a bully, very protective and territorial.  He doesn't like people at all.  Logan is a gentle giant, shy and quiet.  Mary, the only female, is "crazy".  She is in control; she runs the house!  Tyson is the sweetest, most loving chihuahua ever.  He thinks he is Mary's husband.

Lisa told me that I didn't have to paint the dog bed in pink.  The boys were trying to aggravate Mary by stealing her bed.  My answer was: "I like the fluffy, pink bed."  Obviously, Lisa doesn't know I love pink.  Besides, the pinks reflected onto the pale skins of the dogs' underbellies, warming them up nicely.  I balanced the pink with the yellow green shape on the far right.

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Elvis" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Elvis" is for my Facebook fan, Pat.  Elvis is a three-year-old chocolate Labrador.  He was rescued as a puppy by Pat's niece.  When she moved away from the East Coast to California, Elvis was adopted by her dad, Pat's brother, who had already considered him his own.  Now they travel everywhere together; on Sundays, they spend the day cooking crabs at the local hangout.  "Elvis" is going to be Pat's Christmas present for her brother.  It is a secret, so don't tell him!

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

Monday, September 30, 2013

My September Paintings Collage

I painted 26 painted in September 2013!

Today is the last day of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 Challenge.  I didn't get to finish yesterday's painting, so there you go, no new painting to share today.  No matter.  I am still proud of myself because I created 26 beautiful paintings, one of which I had to drop for the above collage.  One painting a day really adds up!

Today is also the day of the September drawing.  I would like to thank 23 fans who have sent me photos of their pets and other things for the past seven weeks since I started painting from fans' photos.  It has been a great fun and learning experience.  In particular, my pet portrait painting ability grew tremendously, all thanks to your support and participation.

The lucky winner is Desiree Moeller.  Congratulations!