
Monday, October 7, 2013

"Dark Kisses" (oil on linen; 4" x 5") sold


Hershey's Kisses has got to be one of the greatest culinary inventions of all times.  These bite-sized pieces of chocolate, shaped like flat-bottomed teardrops and wrapped in shiny foils, have brought so much pleasure to kids of all ages.  You can pop several of these into mouth without going overboard with your dietary budget.  My favorite is, of course, Dark Chocolate Kisses, wrapped in royal violet.  How about you?

Another great virtue of Kisses is that they are fabulously paintable.  Put them on a colorful fabric, like passionate scarlet in my painting.  Crinkled foils start reflecting confetti bits of colors all over.  If you position the chocolates with flags strategically, they look like a couple of lovers!


  1. Yummmm.... your right! a great invention!!!! and I love your painting of them! I wish you could put chocolate smells into the paint! :)

  2. Very clever of you! I like the kisses with almonds but there isn't much that is sweet that I don't like. Good to see you blogging again, but I found you in my spam folder. How evil is that???

  3. Thank you Lynette! I love the smell of chocolate too. I took a couple of days off, Carol. I got spamed!

  4. Yes please! Sign me up for the draw. Really nice paintings! Cheers!

  5. Please sign me up for the drawing - chocolate kisses and pink cupcakes - can't get much better than that.

  6. Thank you, Barbara. Did you "join this site" and sign in? I don't see your name on the list.

    1. Kim, I thought I joined this site. Did I? I'd like to win the cupcake painting, but am somewhat blog illiterate.

  7. Mrs. Y, thank you, but I don't see your name on the list. Did you enter your email address through FeedBurner. You are not supposed to do that. Try again with "Join this site" button. If you have a Gmail account, it is a piece of cake.
