
Monday, November 4, 2013

"Summer Roses" (oil on linen; 5" x 4") sold

I h
ad trouble titling this small gem.  "Rosy Glow"?  "Rose Brilliant"?  "Rose Shadow Play"?  In the end, I settled with "Summer Roses" although I took the reference photo for the painting in early fall.  Do you know why?  The painting just feels hot!  The sun casts colorful shadows on the petals; the background is shrouded in cool darks, from which a few sunlit leaves emerge. How would you title the painting instead?


  1. I too love those deep rose tones. The touch of yellow is wonderful. I see you are painting more flowers now. Did you need a little break from the dog portraits?

  2. That is a good suggestion, Joyfulartist. Thanks! Yes, I decided to do a series of small florals. They are not as exacting as pet portraits. Lol. Thanks, Carol!
