
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

"40 Years of Blessed Life Together" (oil on stretched linen; 12" x 9") sold


The double portrait was commissioned by Kate and her siblings for her parents' 40th anniversary.  The reference photo was quite faded; I kept the old look, while restoring the colors to the skin tones.  I would like to thank Kate for giving me the opportunity to paint the happiest wedding picture ever!

Kate told me the romantic story of how her parents met.  In December of 1974, they were both living in San Diego; her father was a Navy doctor and her mother, a Navy nurse, but they never crossed paths at the hospital until her mother was admitted after falling 20 feet when the sandstone cliff she was hiking on crumbled.  He was her doctor, and despite the fact that she was pretty banged up and had her jaw wired shut, he was smitten!  The day after she was released and he was no longer treating her, he asked her out.  A year and a half later, they were married.

The reference photo and finished portrait side by side!

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