
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

"Peter" (oil on stretched canvas; 9" x 12") nfs


During the campus visit to the University of Minnesota, the alma mater of both of us, last summer, I caught my dear husband at a pensive moment.  I don't know what he is thinking.  He looks melancholy.  Perhaps he is a little sad at the prospect of his baby growing and leaving her nest.  The University of Minnesota is our daughter's first choice; I am happy to report that she is already accepted. 


  1. Maybe he's just in his "nothing box", men have those, I'm told.
    U of M is our daughter's alma mater, too. We lived in the Twin Cities for 30 years before moving to sunny. warm Florida.

    1. I didn't know you used to live in Minnesota. We may retire there if our only child decides to go to college and settle in Minnesota. Yikes!
