
Thursday, August 27, 2015

"Glorious Poppies" (oil on stretched canvas; 12" x 12")

click here to buy

We had an afternoon to kill during our Scandinavian vacation, so we decided to drive around Oland ("o" with an umlaut), a big island off the southeast coast of Sweden.  Rick Steves's guide book said that Oland with its mild weather was considered the "Provence of Sweden".  Even so, when I first saw the poppy fields, I couldn't believe my eyes.  Poppy fields in Sweden?

My daughter and I got out of the car to find out what was going on.  Poppies were growing amid wheat for miles. We tried to walk the miles until we got tired.  When we asked around later, nobody seemed to know why. Most people seemed to think that poppies were just growing wild.  I believe they were planted alongside wheat.  For whatever reason, the poppy fields of Oland made my day!

You can see how happy I was!


  1. Amazing. I love poppies and your painting is gorgeous. I have painted poppies a couple of times and the paintings sold quickly. People love poppy paintings. I repeat myself to tell you that you are so lucky to have spent time in Sweden. Awesome beyond belief.
