
Friday, April 24, 2015

"Flute Practice" (oil on linen; 9" x 12") nfs


My daughter in flute practice.  She is playing C. Charminade's "Concertino"--a dreamy, dramatic, and difficult piece.  She is enraptured in the beauty of the music!

Why black and white?  It is the class assignment by Danni Dawson.  I was allowed to use only three "colors"--white, Torrit gray, and black.  Torrit gray is by Gamblin, made from the previous year's leftover paints.  It varies from year to year.  This year's batch seems quite warm, so I decided to use it for the skin tone, flute, and background.  The hair and shirt were painted with ivory black and the cool gray mixtures of the black and titanium white.  I must say I enjoyed the challenge!

The black and white palette: ivory black, Torrit gray, and titanium white.

I started blocking in.  This year's Torrit gray seems quite warm.  Compare it (the background color) with the cool gray mixed with ivory black and titanium white.  It will be good for the skin tone in this extremely limited palette painting.

"Flute Practice" is all blocked in.

A little more developed.

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