
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

"Holly" (oil on linen; 12" x 12") sold



I am back, stronger than ever!  I took a long break after I finished 30 pet portraits during the holiday season, to rest my body and nourish my soul. 

"Holly" is for Renee, who commissioned the portrait for her husband's birthday.  Holly is a 7-year-old Brittany Spaniel.  She loves to go on walks, lay in the sun and chase squirrels.  She stalks them in the summertime; she chases little moles too.  She loves people more than other dogs.  She is very loyal, sweet, and gentle.  Renee's husband and Holly are the best pals who hunt together.


  1. A Brittany Spaniel is such a sweet dog. Your painting is lovely; shows the dog's sweetness.

  2. Love this painting, Kim. And the shadows and light are great. Such a sweet little dog!
