
Sunday, November 9, 2014

"Sam" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


"Sam" is for Susie and it's going to be the Christmas present for her mom.  Sam is a two-year-old miniature poodle.  He is an entertainer!  He loves to run like a little rocket, and also likes to play fetch and hide and seek.  Probably the most notable thing about him is those brown eyes, which are so warm and sweet.  Now that he is getting out of his puppy phase, he is quite a little snuggler.

Susie's mom's older poodle passed away a couple of months ago, so Sam is now the only dog in the house.  He has been a big pick-me-up for her parents.  Susie is confident that her mom will be thrilled to have his portrait, and so am I!

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