
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Quill and Tilly" (oil on linen; 6" x 8") sold


"Quill and Tilly" is for Tracey, who commissioned me to paint this sweet double portrait as a gift.  Her neighbor's dog, Quill, on the left, passed away last week.  She had adopted Quill from the Big, Black and Beautiful adoption agency because, as she says, no one adopts middle-aged big black dogs.  She gave him a wonderful life despite his many issues (eating carpet, socks, many trips to the vet, etc.).  She never wavered in her love and devotion for Quill.  Tilly, on the right, is her other dog.

I was touched by Tracey's kind thoughtfulness.  I have no doubt that her neighbor will appreciate the gift.  The people and pets we loved never go away; they always live in our hearts.

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