
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

"Madison in the Snow" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


I am back!  I was gone for a couple of weeks on a family vacation.  Since I came back, I have been experiencing excruciating back pains until now.  It didn't stop me from painting, but I spent as little time as possible on laptop to rest my back.  So now I have three commission paintings to share, back to back!

"Madison in the Snow" is for Mike.  I did a cat portrait for him last winter, which was intended as his friend's Christmas present.  Madison is his girlfriend's dog as a puppy.  I just love her thoughtful expression.  Perhaps it was the golden retriever's first snow and she was puzzled by the fluffy stuff all around.


  1. Welcome home! Back pain is no fun so I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Take care of you.
