
Sunday, February 23, 2014

"Dharma" (oil on linen; 6" x 8") sold


"Dharma" is for Amy.  Dharma, a Husky, was 15 when she died of liver cancer.  She fought hard for a year.  Amy, who is a vet as you may remember from the yesterday's post, helped deliver her.  Amy knew she was the one at two weeks of age.  She was a "daddy's girl".  She was super sweet and loving, a huge giver of kisses.  However, she was a fierce killer of squirrels and snakes!  Dharma, in other words, was the best of both worlds--tough and a sweetheart.  

I noticed and had to ask Amy about her eyes.  Yes, Dharma had one electric blue eye and one deep brown.  As she aged, her entire black mask slowly turned white and disappeared.  I am guessing that the reference photo I used was taken when she was younger.  By the way, the picture had all of Amy's three dogs, two snoozing and the alert Dharma nobly looking out.  Here are the other two I painted for Amy.

"Gibson" (oil, 6" x 8"; sold)

"Nick" (oil, 8" x 6"; sold)

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