
Thursday, February 27, 2014

"Dogwood Sky" (oil on stretched canvas; 8" x 10")

click here to buy

Look up at the sky when dogwoods are blooming on a sunny spring day.  This is what you will see.  If this painting doesn't lift your spirit, I don't know what will!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"Anemone Bouquet" (watercolor on Yupo; 9" x 7") sold

matted (14" x 11")

It snowed yesterday in northern Virginia.  It's snowing again today.  This winter is indeed the winter of snow!  I am waiting patiently for spring flowers to bloom in my garden for the fresh reference material.  In the meanwhile, I will have to make do with flowers from the florist shop. How about a bouquet of anemones in a blue glass vase?  Doesn't it make a simple, but exquisite still life?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Daisy" (oil on linen; 8" x 8") sold


"Daisy" is for BethAnn.  She commissioned the portrait for her friend who recently lost her pup of 11 years.  Daisy, a Beagle mix, was a momma's girl, a little love bug.  She loved to go for car rides and play "copilot".  She is deeply missed by her family.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

"Dharma" (oil on linen; 6" x 8") sold


"Dharma" is for Amy.  Dharma, a Husky, was 15 when she died of liver cancer.  She fought hard for a year.  Amy, who is a vet as you may remember from the yesterday's post, helped deliver her.  Amy knew she was the one at two weeks of age.  She was a "daddy's girl".  She was super sweet and loving, a huge giver of kisses.  However, she was a fierce killer of squirrels and snakes!  Dharma, in other words, was the best of both worlds--tough and a sweetheart.  

I noticed and had to ask Amy about her eyes.  Yes, Dharma had one electric blue eye and one deep brown.  As she aged, her entire black mask slowly turned white and disappeared.  I am guessing that the reference photo I used was taken when she was younger.  By the way, the picture had all of Amy's three dogs, two snoozing and the alert Dharma nobly looking out.  Here are the other two I painted for Amy.

"Gibson" (oil, 6" x 8"; sold)

"Nick" (oil, 8" x 6"; sold)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

"Nick" (oil on linen; 8" x 6") sold


"Nick" is for Amy.  Nick is a 17-year-old pointer.  His head is really dented in on the one side due to getting hit by a truck.  That is how Amy and her husband got him.  He was on the side of the road for three days before someone thought to call the SPCA.  Amy happened to be the ER vet, put him back together as well as she could and the rest is history.

The reference photo was taken when he was about four.  Now he is the typical old man--lives to eat and nap.  As Amy lovingly describes him, he is dumb as dirt, but the nicest, dopiest dog you will ever meet!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

"Lotus Pond" (oil on linen; 8" x 8") sold


I love everything about the lotus plant--its sculptural form, flowers, seedpods, and Buddhist symbolism.  Of course, I have to wait for five more months to see lotus flowers in bloom in my favorite park.  I went over there last Friday, a couple of days after the Nor'easter.  The scene below is what I found.  It's pretty, isn't it?  But I didn't paint it, because I know everybody is sick of snow.  Instead, I painted my favorite flowers.  How about that!

Geese in the lotus pond at the Green Spring Gardens Park in Alexandria, VA

Monday, February 17, 2014

"Daffodil Love" (oil on stretched canvas; 8" x 10")

click here to buy

My garden is still covered in a thick layer of snow from the last week's Nor'easter.  In a month or so, these daffodils will start opening.  I can't wait!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

"Emilia and George" (oil on linen; 11" x 14") sold


"Emilia and George" is for Brittany, who commissioned me to paint the portrait of her friends. What a special gift it will be!  The painting was ready for publication yesterday for Valentine's Day, but I waited for Brittany's critique. She loves it!

Emilia and George live in New York City.  He is funny; she is witty and outgoing.  They are both very intelligent, but at the same time, totally opposite.  He has a son; they have an adorable ballerina girl together.

Belated Happy Valentine's Day to Emilia and George!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

"Spring's Gifts" (watercolor; 9" x 7") sold


More wintry mix!  The only way to cope with this never-ending snowfest is to dream about a spring garden on a balmy spring day.  Irises are one of the greatest gifts in a spring garden, don't you agree?  How do you like my loose, gestural painting of cream/purple irises on a pure, untouched background?

Monday, February 10, 2014

"Rose Basket" (watercolor on Yupo; 8" x 10")

matted (11" x 14")
click here to buy

I hear that there is another snow storm coming up this week.  Yikes.  Here is an "escape art" for my readers.  A basket full of fragrant, old-fashioned roses.  Ah, the pleasure of summer garden!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

"Central Park Snow Day" (oil on stretched canvas; 8" x 10")

click here to buy

A lot of people in the country are now sick of snow, ice, and bitterly cold weather.  Yet here I am, sharing another snow painting!  In my defense, this is my one and only snow painting of the season.  Besides, who can deny the beauty of snow?  Just a few inches.  After the night of a gentle snowfall, the sun shines on the Pond at the Central Park in New York City.  People are out and about, rejoicing in the pure blessing.  So please forgive me.

Monday, February 3, 2014

"Oreo" (oil on linen; 10" x 8") sold


"Pucci" (oil, 8" x 10"; sold)

"Oreo" is for Tammy, who wanted the portrait as the companion piece for "Pucci".  Oreo was Pucci's big brother and passed away several years ago.  Oreo, named for the white stripe that ran from his chin and down his middle to his tail, was Tammy's family's beloved pet for 11 wonderful years.  He was a Schnauzer mix shelter dog.  

Tammy's youngest daughter, Jenny, convinced her to adopt Oreo, but since she was either at school or after-school activities, Oreo soon became Tammy's buddy.  He would often escape and hunt her down in her small town.  A couple of times he went to school looking for Jenny. The whole town knew him.  Neighbors looked out for him and gave him rides back home.

He loved to chase birds.  Tammy and her husband still laugh about him almost doing backward flips, convinced that he could catch a seagull hovering overhead.  He also loved to dig for crabs. Often there were only his hind legs and tail above ground.  

Oreo was a very vocal dog and liked to talk back.  He did not like conflict of any kind and was a terrible car passenger.  And he always knew when Tammy was sad and made sure to snuggle extra close.  I gave his portrait a happy beachy background.  Thank you, Tammy, for sharing the stories about Oreo!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Collage of My January Paintings

How do you like the collage of my January paintings?  I was going to take it easy in January, but ended up creating as many paintings as during the previous month.  I guess painting is in my blood!

Off to paint another masterpiece today.  Hahaha.  Have a great month!