
Friday, January 3, 2014

"Budding Artist" (oil on linen; 14" x 11") nfs


Pablo Picasso once said: "Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."  I can't agree more.  My daughter used to love art.  The painting shows when she was not quite three and a half years of age.  She was a fearless abstract expressionist!  She, as a grade schooler, went to an after-school art program for several years, winning awards and all.

Then she grew up and decided that art was not her thing.  These days she doesn't go anywhere near paints and brushes.  She is more likely to read books, play the flute, or solve tough math questions with a pencil in hand.

I painted "Budding Artist" on New Year's Day as a New Year's Resolution.  I want to live and paint fearlessly this year.