
Thursday, October 31, 2013

"Peonies in the Sun" (oil on linen, 8" x 10") sold


I have an artist friend who is on an ongoing "peony quest".  In other words, she keeps painting peonies.  She has probably painted hundreds of peonies!  It is true that I am not as devoted to these fragrant, luscious spring flowers as she is.  Nevertheless, I feel unfulfilled if I don't create several peony paintings in a year.  How do you like my new painting?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"White Pansies in the Sun" (oil on linen; 4" x 5") sold


I love pansies. They are one of the few hardy and dependable plants with a very long season. Their cheerful faces greet us during the entire duration of the cool season for months. In this small painting, a group of white pansies glow in the morning sun.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"Pink Rose of Sharon" (oil on linen; 5" x 4") sold


I painted flowers that looked just like the rose of sharon back in July and boldly titled the painting as such.  Guess what?  I was wrong.  A Faccbook friend corrected me; another friend confirmed my error.  Isn't that great?  By the way, the rose of sharon is the Korean national flower.  I don't know why my countrymen picked the flower, but there it is.

"Pink Hollyhocks" (watercolor on Yupo, 10" x 8"; 150)
click here to buy

On a personal note, I have been absent from my studio for the past three days on account of my daughter's marching band activities.  As my husband and I volunteer as the pit crew and in other capacities, we were busy helping the band for most of the weekend.  I am glad that the marching season is almost over, so that I can get back to my daily painting routine!

Friday, October 25, 2013

"Sunny Hydrangea Garden" (oil on linen; 8" x 8") sold


I have a soft spot for hydrangeas.  Their huge heads of pastel florets that grace gardens in late spring tug at my heartstrings as few other flowers do.  Now the weather has turned chilly, the image of a sunny garden with hydrangeas abloom is perfect to lift my spirit.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"Gibson" (oil on linen; 6" x 8") sold


"Gibson" is for my old friend, Karen.  She asked me to paint Gibson for her sister-in-law, Amy. Amy, a vet, loves Huskies.  Gibson, who passed away a year ago, was a sweetheart.  I can relate to that.  Strong, handsome, noble--that's how I feel about Huskies.  My mother-in-law had a Husky named Jediah, who always sat by me at dinner table, because he knew I was a softie, sneaking him food under the table.

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you want to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Friday, October 18, 2013

"Mischief" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Mischief" is for Steve, my graduate school buddy and fellow historian, except that I no longer teach and he is still an overworked history professor!  Mischief, or Missy for short, was an English Springer Spaniel.  She was the runt of the litter, and the breeders didn't think she was up for the job as a gun dog.  Steve and his siblings got his father the puppy for Christmas the year their mother passed away.  My friend was as attached to Mischief as his dad was and considered her his dog too.  She died this summer and the painting is going to be the Christmas present for Steve Sr.

Mischief was a sweet, kind-hearted dog and behaved like a much younger dog all her long life. We had a lot of photos to choose from; Steve picked one particular photo, because he wanted to remember her outside and playing her favorite game of Frisbee.  I hope she approves from the dog heaven.

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you want to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Hope Poppy" (oil on linen; 4" x 5") gift


I painted "Hope Poppy" as a gift to Pat MacMaster.  She found me on Facebook, fell in love with my paintings, and ordered two pet portraits.  In other words, she is a great fan.  Then she went out of her way to introduce my work to her friend, who was uncomfortable with the computer stuff.  So Pat served as a go-between, sending me Lynn's dogs' pictures, texting her, etc.  To make the long story short, I was able to paint and sell three pet portraits thanks to her.

When she first sent me the email about her friend, I was down.  Suddenly I felt the surge of optimism.  Someone loved my work so much that she spent her rare visit with her friend, talking her into ordering paintings.  I felt hope.  Yes, I can do it.  I can make a go of it as a full-time artist!

I titled the small painting "Hope Poppy."  A bright poppy is in full bloom amongst lush greens; a bud will open another day.  "Hope Poppy" is filled with light and hope.  Thank you, Pat.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Felix" (oil on linen; 6" x 8") sold


"Felix" is the second painting for Holly's family.  Felix is a 16-year-old tabby cat and is missed terribly by her grown-up son, Simon, who has moved out of the house.  Obviously, the painting is for Simon!

In the reference photo, in which Felix is sunning next to the fire logs, there was a blur of something, sticking out of his right ear, catching light.  I couldn't figure out what it was until Holly explained it to me.  The little tufts of hair extend from the tips of his ears, and are one of his distinguishing features.  Otherwise, he'd look like any other tabby cat.  Boy, I am glad I waited for this communication, because I was going to edit them out!

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you want to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

"Opie and Rainey" (oil on linen; 9" x 12") sold


"Opie and Rainey" is for Holly, who found me on Etsy.  It is the first of the three paintings I am doing for her family.  I have become a Santa's helper--a pet portraitist elf!  Opie on the right is a wire-haired Dachshund; Rainey on the left is a Jack Russell.  The two are great buddies, with Opie being super mischievous and fun-loving.

As you can see, they are heart-meltingly adorable and are the reason why Holly's son, Eli, comes home once a week for his "dog fix."  But I am getting ahead of myself.  The painting is for Holly's husband.  Eli will be getting a smaller one.  Once again, my readers, keep the whole thing secret.  Mum's the word....

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you want to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Friday, October 11, 2013

"Daisy May" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Daisy May" is the third and last painting for Lynn's family.  Miss Daisy May is a 10-year-old dachshund and is a Daddy's girl.  He likes to takes her pictures on vacation.  The sweet dog lounging in an Adirondack chair in the afternoon sun is all about happy family time!

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you are dying to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

"Henry" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Henry" is the second painting for Lynn's family.  Henry is a one-year-old dachshund.  He is a Daddy's boy, but currently lives with Lynn's son, Kevin.

Henry obviously has a promising career ahead of him as a model.  Even from the tiny file, probably taken with a phone, I could tell what an incredible painting it would make.  The late afternoon light pours into the room.  The puppy is lying down in the sun on a wooden floor.  The far and front ends of the picture frame are in deep shadow.  Someone calls his name, so he turns his head to look.  A moment captured; a lasting beauty.

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you are dying to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"Southern Gentleman" (oil on linen; 14" x 11") sold


Today I have a great news to share.  My painting, "Southern Gentleman," got juried into the October figurative show at the Art League in Alexandria, VA.  It's a double honor.  I don't paint figures often, so getting into a figure show is a big deal.  Besides, the juried shows at the Art League are fiercely competitive.  This acceptance marks the third time since July: making three shows out of four definitely calls for a celebration!

I painted "Southern Gentleman" during the three-day workshop with Robert Liberace at the Art League School in Alexandria, VA in March 2012.  Rob is a big name in today's figurative painting in the country.  Just watching him paint was a thrilling experience. The workshop was called "The Painterly Sketch: Advanced Alla-Prima Portrait".

Alla Prima, or "premier coup," is a way of painting that involves the direct application of color without an elaborate underpainting.  Great painters such as Frans Hals and John Singer Sargent, or the contemporary master Richard Schmid, are often linked to this direct, daredevil approach to painting.

On the last day of the head-spinning workshop, I had about two hours left to paint the elderly model.  Speaking of pressure!  The model came for the sitting, dressed in a southern gentleman's outfit.  What fun!  He was a kind, Civil-War buff, who reminded me of Colonel Sanders.

I am happy to report that Rob was impressed with my final effort; so was I.  In particular, he liked the way I handled the forehead of the model and his costume. He said something about "sophisticated"!  I was in heaven.  Now that the painting also made the Art League show, I am doubly proud!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Bennett James" (oil on linen; 8" x 6") sold


"Bennett James" is for Lynn.  Mr. Bennett James, a 12-year-old sheep dog, is going to be a Christmas present for Lynn's daughter, Kim.  As a matter of fact, there are two more paintings coming up, because everybody in Lynn's family is going to get a pet portrait for this Christmas!

I would like to thank my awesome fan, Pat MacMaster, who introduced my work to her college friend, Lynn!

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

My readers, in case you didn't notice, I have created a new page on my blog, called "Pet Portrait Orders".  You will find all the information you are dying to know about ordering a pet portrait.  Please check it out.

Monday, October 7, 2013

"Dark Kisses" (oil on linen; 4" x 5") sold


Hershey's Kisses has got to be one of the greatest culinary inventions of all times.  These bite-sized pieces of chocolate, shaped like flat-bottomed teardrops and wrapped in shiny foils, have brought so much pleasure to kids of all ages.  You can pop several of these into mouth without going overboard with your dietary budget.  My favorite is, of course, Dark Chocolate Kisses, wrapped in royal violet.  How about you?

Another great virtue of Kisses is that they are fabulously paintable.  Put them on a colorful fabric, like passionate scarlet in my painting.  Crinkled foils start reflecting confetti bits of colors all over.  If you position the chocolates with flags strategically, they look like a couple of lovers!

Friday, October 4, 2013

"Beagle Love" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


A cute foxhound/beagle mix on a chic white leather sofa.  Oh, I want to hug him!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

"Chihuahuas Rule" (oil on linene; 8" x 12") sold


"Chihuahuas Rule" is for my Facebook fan, Lisa.  For my first chihuahua painting, I got to paint four of them.  Thanks, Lisa!  From left to right, they are Tido (9 years old), Logan (8), Mary (8), and Tyson (8).  They all turn 9 this year.  They are not related to each other.

Tido is the oldest and Alpha male.  He is a bully, very protective and territorial.  He doesn't like people at all.  Logan is a gentle giant, shy and quiet.  Mary, the only female, is "crazy".  She is in control; she runs the house!  Tyson is the sweetest, most loving chihuahua ever.  He thinks he is Mary's husband.

Lisa told me that I didn't have to paint the dog bed in pink.  The boys were trying to aggravate Mary by stealing her bed.  My answer was: "I like the fluffy, pink bed."  Obviously, Lisa doesn't know I love pink.  Besides, the pinks reflected onto the pale skins of the dogs' underbellies, warming them up nicely.  I balanced the pink with the yellow green shape on the far right.

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Elvis" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Elvis" is for my Facebook fan, Pat.  Elvis is a three-year-old chocolate Labrador.  He was rescued as a puppy by Pat's niece.  When she moved away from the East Coast to California, Elvis was adopted by her dad, Pat's brother, who had already considered him his own.  Now they travel everywhere together; on Sundays, they spend the day cooking crabs at the local hangout.  "Elvis" is going to be Pat's Christmas present for her brother.  It is a secret, so don't tell him!

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  Besides, my pet portraits make perfect birthday and Christmas presents.  Thanks!