
Saturday, September 14, 2013

"Winter Sunset" (oil on linen; 10" x 12") sold


Sometimes I don't have to go far to find something to paint.  All I have to do is to step outside and look up.  One winter day, there was a light snowfall, then freezing rain.  It was altogether a dangerous driving condition in my hilly neighborhood.  I went outside to put the trash can to the curb for the following day's garbage removal.  That's when I saw the above scene.  I had to take a picture.  When I came back out with my camera, a car went by slowly.  Frozen snow reflected the sunset sky. There was a hush all around.

"Spring Sky" (oil, 24" x 30")

I have painted my neighborhood before, as you can in the above painting.  You can recognize the same tall tree, same houses, and same curvy street.  I love my neighborhood and this is how I watch it, not with a gun, but with a camera and paint brushes!

If you send me your pictures to, I may make paintings out of them.  How fun is that!  At the end of September, I will do a drawing and one lucky person wins a free painting.  You can buy the painting anytime, but there is no obligation.  Thanks!

Today is Day Fourteen of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 Challenge.  Thirteen paintings done.  I may take tomorrow off.  Have a great weekend!


  1. Lovely, absolutely lovely! You may want to go with me to Norway this Christmas as you are so good at painting snow! Wow and wow.

  2. Thank you, thank you, Carol! My husband and I would love to see Norway and Sweden in winter. He is of the Swedish descent, you see. Northern lights, snow, etc.!

  3. Both these are lovely, Kim. Really enjoyed studying the colors in Winter Sunset...stunning!

  4. Your paintings are beautiful. Love the winter one today!

  5. I think the best type of painting are paintings of what's in one's daily life -- the things we are familiar with and the things that really touches us day-in and day-out. You captured that so well in this painting. I love the larger one you did before as well. They have very different mood, yet there is the same thread of familiar warmth and gentle feeling of "home".

  6. Thank you, Egretta and Lynette! Thank you, Arena, for your thoughtful comments everyday! Yes, I love my home and find a lot of painting inspiration at home or nearby. There is no place like home.
