
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Nevaeh" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Nevaeh" is for my Facebook fan, Tracey.  The reference photo was taken during Snowmageddon 2010.  Snowmageddon was the big blizzard that hit the East Coast.  I am sure, if you live there, you would remember it vividly!  Tracey got over 3 feet of snow; we got 2 feet.

Nevaeh (Heaven backwards) is a Husky/Shepherd mix.  According to Tracey, she is pretty crazy with aggression issues.  That may be so.  To me, she looks like a royalty!  She is a unique-looking dog with piercing blue eyes and big pointy ears.  She is indeed used to attention and gets offended if people walk by her without looking at her.  I used one photo, which didn't show her ears, as the main source of the painting.  Then I "borrowed" her ears from another photo taken in a different angle.  I hope I pulled it off.

If you send your pet's pictures to, I will make beautiful pet portraits out of them.  How fun is that!  At the end of September, I will do a drawing and one lucky person wins a free painting.  You can buy the painting anytime, but there is no obligation. Thanks!

Today is Day Twenty Four of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 Challenge.  "Nevaeh" is my 21th painting of the month.  I might have skipped painting/blogging a few times, but I will be breaking my own record by the end of the month!


  1. Wow Kim!!! This is amazing!!! I love love love this! You captured the crazy and the sweetness. Thank you!!!

  2. I am so glad! Thank you for letting me paint your "crazy" dog, Tracey!

  3. Love the snow! It's so cool how well you are able to capture motion/movement in this painting. A lot of the times paintings can be static, but the snow adds an extra element of movement. Very beautiful painting!

  4. Thank you, Sam! Yes, it was fun painting falling snow!
