
Sunday, September 8, 2013

"Jackson" (oil on linen, 7" x 7") sold


"Jackson" is for my new Facebook fan, Pat.  Jackson is a four-year-old, rescue dog from Virginia.  He is part Jack Russell.  Pat's daughter went to Liberty University and was doing volunteer work at the humane society, where Jackson, a scared little guy, warmed her heart. She pleaded for Pat to adopt him.  So, on Thanksgiving three years, Pat drove down and brought him home to New Jersey.  He is now the king of her family!

If you send me your pictures to, I may make paintings out of them.  How fun is that!  At the end of September, I will do a drawing and one lucky person wins a free painting.  You can buy the painting anytime, but there is no obligation.  Thanks!

Today is Day Eight of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 Challenge and "Jackson" is my seventh piece. Yesterday was the biggest fundraiser event of the year for my daughter's high school music department.  Many parents helped out.  I had to skip blogging, but managed to squeeze in a bit of painting in the late afternoon.  Aren't I good?


  1. Yes, you are good. Was there a question about that? I hope your daughter's fundraising event went well. I really like the light on this painting. And of course I love dogs...especially those that don't annoy the neighbors with barking.

  2. Yes, we raised a lot of money. The students go door to door, asking for donations. Every year we raise about $30,000! Yesterday was a good day with an incredible weather. I was one of the many parent drivers/chaperons who went with 4-6 kids, to make sure they were safe. Thank you for your kind words, Carol!

  3. I bet you are a pick of the day again this week.

  4. I don't know about that. Thanks, Jo and Page!
