
Thursday, September 12, 2013

"Crossing the Mississippi, Minnesota" (oil on linen; 8" x 10") sold


I love Minnesota so much that I married a Minnesotan!  He has many relatives there, so we try to visit it as often as we can, which is not often enough.  During the last visit two summers ago, we went to Itasca State Park, the headwaters of the Mississippi River, in north central Minnesota.  The kids of all ages can cross the mighty river and feel mighty themselves.  You can walk across the small wooden foot bridge, like the family with a dog in my painting.  Or, if you feel particularly brave, you can wade the river barefoot, like those in the picture below. What would you do, if you were there?

My daughter had a lot of fun crossing the Mississippi!

If you send me your pictures to, I may make paintings out of them.  How fun is that!  At the end of September, I will do a drawing and one lucky person wins a free painting.  You can buy the painting anytime, but there is no obligation.  Thanks!

Today is Day Twelve of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 Challenge.  18 more paintings to go!


  1. I like your atmospheric perspective and your brush work - you make it look easy!

  2. Lovely and loose. Nice combination of colours

  3. Beautiful theme!

  4. I like the variety in the brush marks depicting the foliage... And the lovely colors -- many different temperature of greens. It is hard to imagine the mighty Mississippi as such a creek at this source! I've only seen it in Louisiana when travelling there with my boyfriend, where you see its full power roaring down into the gulf...

  5. You are such a good painter...and painting MN, how can you miss? Though I grew up in MN, I never saw the headwaters of the Mississippi.

    I love how you cut your sky into the trees to soften the edges. This painting is so lovely you should keep it as a memory of your trip and for your children.

  6. Your painting is beautiful. The last time I was in Itasca it was pouring rain, but still a beautiful place. We raised our kids in Minnesota, 1964 to 1989. One still lives there, the rest, like us, have moved to warmer climates.

  7. Thank you, Sandra, Pati, Arena, Carol, and Joyfulartist! When I was painting this piece, I didn't expect any response. I thought nobody would "get" Minnesota--one of the "fly-over states". I was wrong. There are people who appreciate and love Minnesota!
