
Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Chestnut Beauty" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


This chestnut beauty is part a draft horse, which is a bigger breed.  She is a gentle giant and easy keeper.  The next year is the Year of the Horse.  My horse painting will bring you a joyous, prosperous year!


  1. This looks so hard. How on earth did you accomplish it in a day? It is lovely and your FB fan will love it.

  2. She is truly a beauty -- and you have captured her gentle nature with the eyes! I love the color of her hair too -- and I am amazed that you can just whip out a detailed painting (which requires a lot of drawing) in a day's time...

  3. You are both very kind. It is a small painting. Besides, compared with architectural paintings, pet portraits require less drawing!
