
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Rocky and Thelma Lou" (oil on linen; 8" x 10") sold


"Rocky and Thelma Lou" is for two good friends, Jenny Frampton and Sherry Worshum.  The painting shows the ill effects of excessive TV viewing for kids.  Rocky of an unknown breed, on the left, is over-excited; Thelma Lou on the right, a Basset Hound, is completely dazed!  The two kids are best friends and often have playdates.  Don't worry.  They play outside too.  I've seen pictures.

By the way, Jenny is a good Samaritan.  She fosters rescued dogs until they find permanent homes.  Sherry teaches gifted children.  What awesome friends I have!

If you would love to see your beloved pet painted by me and shared on my blog and Facebook page, please email me at  Send me a picture or two, preferably taken in natural light without flash.  I will do a drawing at the end of September and give one painting away!

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