
Friday, August 23, 2013

"Barley" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Barley" is for my new Facebook friend/fan, Susan.  She sent me the pictures of two dogs; I chose Barley because of his expressive face.  As it turns out, he is no longer with us.  Perhaps the sad thought influenced me.  Isn't the painting more distinguished and somber than usual?  The purple/soft yellow color scheme makes the guy look royal!

Barley was six when the picture was taken four years ago.  He was a soulful, sweet dog.  The (dog) love of Susan's life--love at first sight.  He was a mix of Australian shepherd, Labrador, and likely golden retriever.  He had the funniest habit of leaping backwards when something startled him or when he was playing.  Susan's husband wrote a tune for him called "Jump Back Barley"; the CD it was on was nominated for a Grammy!).

If you would love to see your beloved pet painted by me and shared on my blog and Facebook page, please email me at  Send me a picture or two, preferably taken in natural light without flash.  I will do a drawing at the end of September and give one painting away!

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