
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Sacred Ground, Chichester Cathedral" (oil on linen; 8" x 10")

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Chichester, West Sussex is an old Roman town.  We went to see the city and its cathedral on a cold and gray day last Month. I go wild with Gothic cathedrals, but couldn't take a really good picture.  Dang!  The painting shows the side view of the front portal.  On Palm Sunday, we went back for the Matins service.  We sat in the choir area and heard the choir sing right next to us.  It didn't seem appropriate to take pictures inside, so I can't show you the elegant interior of Chichester Cathedral.  Sorry.

A distant view of the Chichester Cathedral tower

The corridor looking out to the cathedral cloister

Chichester city walls originated in the Roman days and circles the old town.

The market cross is from 1500; it is smack in the middle of the old town.

By the way, in case you are new to my blog, here is the scoop.  Every month I challenge myself to do a series of paintings, then give away a print of the collage created with these paintings at the end of the month.  The April Challenge is "I Love England."  "Chichester Cathedral" is the third in the series.  From now on, I am going to widen the circle for my monthly drawing to all my Facebook fans.  I post a painting or two everyday.  It is the best place to get the most up-to-date information about my artwork.  Please "like" my page!  Click here to visit my Facebook page.  Thanks!

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