
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Daffodil Season Collage" (oil and watercolor; print)

click here to buy a print

Spring has sprung in the mid-Atlantic region.  Actually, it's more like spring has gone HOT.  It was 76 degrees yesterday.  Today's forecast is 80; tomorrow's, 85!  I fear that my daffodils will be finished by the end of the week.  Fearing such an eventuality, I was busily taking pictures of flowers from my garden yesterday when my daughter popped her head into the still life setting!

My darling daughter with spring flowers

This afternoon I am going to go over to the Tidal Basin before cherry blossoms come down as pink snow.  In the meanwhile, here is a miniature cherry blossom festival in my garden.

Mini cherry blossom festival in my garden

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