
Monday, January 14, 2013

"Winter Woods" (oil on linen; 12" x 12")

click here to buy

Take a walk in the woods on a winter day.  There is a light cover of snow on the ground.  The late afternoon sun casts long, blue shadows over the snow and fallen trees.  Dry leaves still dangling on bare branches catch the sun and glow.  A magical moment to savor.


  1. Very striking light in this painting Kim! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Kim, Love this painting! Good job on a challenging subject!
    I like the layout of your blog. I have blogspot also. Can you look at mine and give me some clues as to how you added the info on the right with the pics, etc.?

  3. Thank you, Debra and Kathleen, for your kind words. Kathleen, I checked out your blog. Beautiful paintings! As for the pictures on the right column, they are widgets I got from Etsy,, and Facebook. They are easy to add to your blog. Just go to your layout page. Click "Add a Gadget". When it opens, click "Add your own." Then paste the html code you copied from whatever site that has these fancy widgets. Did I answer your question?

  4. The play of light and shadow in this is beautiful!
