
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"Primrose Season" (oil on canvas; 10" x 10") sold


Siebold's primroses are blooming under a canopy of a tree.  What a bright, cheerful sight it is! Obviously it is not the primrose season yet.  I took the reference photo for the painting last April at the Green Spring Gardens Park in Alexandria, VA.  It took almost a year to get around to paint these lovely flowers because I was intimidated by the look of the lettuce-like leaves.  Yes, I often get stymied by my own timidity!

Yesterday I decided to go for it.  Why not?  I am pleased with the result.  I am even more pleased with the fact that I painted on a day that started out rather lousily.  I had waken up feeling tired and achy.  I was tempted to take a day off.  In the end, I thought better of it and started painting.  And it happened again.  Almost immediately I felt more energetic and alive.  I really don't know how I lived before I discovered art.

Reference photo


  1. Love the outcome for the painting. Lovely. You did a wonderful interpretation!

  2. So beautiful!! You didn't get lost in the leaves (like I usually do); they are part of the beauty but the flowers take the stage.

  3. Thanks, Cindy. I could have fiddled to make them look "better". I am glad I didn't.
