
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Moonrise" (oil on linen; 8" x 6") sold


"Moonrise over the Sea" (oil, 8" x 6")

I thought I would have some fun working on small canvases a series of big paintings, that is, paintings that feel big.  With a size 6 flat brush, loaded with paint, I whipped out three tiny paintings in one afternoon.  Not bad, ha! 

In John Murray's class, the pressure is always on painting fast and large.  There is a student who manages to finish a 18 x 24" canvas in every class!  It is liberating to brandish your big fat brush like a sword, squeeze out loads of paints as if you are a millionaire, and paint like a crazed daredevil.  On the other hand, it is also nice to rebel against your teacher by painting small since it is vacation!  Just don't tell him what I am up to.  Shhhhh.


  1. Wow, these DO look like huge paintings. What great fun to paint boldly and with no reserve! It is truly an inspiration to me, as one who paints so tight and needs to loosen up!

  2. Thanks, Egretta. Use the largest brush you can handle!
