
Monday, April 2, 2012

"Pasque Flower" (oil on linen; 8" x 10") sold


Reference photo

Early last week, I saw this fuzzball of flowers at the rock garden at Green Spring Gardens Park in Alexandria, VA.  Another visitor and I admired them, wondering what they were.  All I could say was that I used to have the plant in my garden, but that it died out.  I posted the picture on my Facebook page; to my delight, a fan informed me right away.  The power of social networking!

Pasque flower (or pasqueflower) is also called wind flower, prairie crocus, and Easter Flower.  Why Easter Flower?  Because the flower blooms in early spring (around Easter), and Pasque refers to Easter (Passover).  The know-it-all wikipedia says that the showy part of the flower consists of sepals, not petals.  Who knew?

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