
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Walk in Winter Woods" (oil on linen; 9" x 12") sold

"Walk in Winter Woods"

"Winter Morning" (oil, 9" x 12")
click here to buy

"Winter Afternoon" (oil, 12" x 9")

"Fresh Snow" (oil, 9" x 12")

"Snowfall" (oil, 8" x 10")

"Central Park Snowed In" (oil, 10" x 12")

I painted lots of snow scenes this winter, which required hard work.  It  was not because snowscapes were particularly difficult to paint.  It had everything to do with the snowless winter in northern Virginia!  I don't ski or snowboard, or didn't travel to snowy places to visit relatives this year. Alas, my plein-air painting friends and I waited for snowfalls in vain, with our new snow boots still in their boxes.  It is practically spring here.  I've spotted crocuses, snowdrops, lenten roses, daffodils, dwarf irises, cherry blossoms, and forsythia, so far.  Somebody told me that her tulips are blooming too!  We may still get a blizzard in March, but I doubt it.

Yesterday I reached the very bottom of my pile and completely exhausted the reference material for my favorite subject by painting "Walk in Winter Woods."  All the things I've learned by painting in a series went into it.  It is the grand finale, so to speak, and I am proud of it.

I've included in today's entry some of my favorite snowscapes for your enjoyment.  Until next winter, good bye, snow paintings.

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