
Friday, January 7, 2011

"Morning Porch" (oil on linen, 10" x 8") sold


George Washington's River Farm in Alexandria, VA is the headquarters of the American Horticultural Society and a haven for garden enthusiasts.  The old mansion has a lovely porch looking out the Potomac River.  On a hot, hot summer morning last August, the porch was glowing in the sunlight.  Hard to resist, yet difficult to paint, I nevertheless tackled the subject. 

I was not satisfied with the result and had put it away until today.  I realized that I had somehow lost the brilliant light in my struggle with drawing.  No light, no point.  That's the bottom line.  A number of things were done to restore the light and heat.  I am learning a lot by working on old paintings that had been bugging me during this winter.  One thing is never to give upon a painting.  As I grow as a painter, I sometimes seem to figure out what is wrong with a piece on my own.  A good thing.

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