
Sunday, July 31, 2016

"California Beach Kids" (oil on stretched canvas; 18" x 24")

click here to buy

The family vacation to California back in 2007 concluded with a few days spent in San Francisco.  This trip led to so many paintings; "California Beach Kids" is the latest.  The setting is the beach at the Maritime National Historical Park, which includes a fleet of historic vessels, a visitor center, and a maritime museum.

After checking out the historic ships, we were people-watching.  Some brave souls swam in the cold water.  This group of kids, all decked in bandanas, were testing out how cold the Pacific Ocean water was.  A couple of boys were a bit more adventurous than the others. I hope you feel the fun atmosphere of the day.

Monday, July 25, 2016

"Parrot Talk" (watercolor on paper; 6" x 6") sold


A pair of parrots perched on a tree branch are talking to each other.  I wonder what they are gossiping about.  Or, is the one on the right (male?) asking the left one (female?) out on a date?

Sunday, July 24, 2016

"Mommy and Baby Great Pandas" (watercolor on paper; 6" x 6")

click here to buy

Since I came back from the family road trip to the Midwest, I have been busy painting large landscapes to get ready for the Art League's annual landscape show in August.  They take days to finesse!  I sometimes take a break to splash water around doing small watercolors for fun.  "Mommy and Baby Great Pandas" is yesterday's output.  Isn't it an adorable piece?

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Summer Sale!

Collage of My 2016 Summer Sale

I hope you are enjoying a great summer. I just returned from the family road trip to the Midwest. I have a great news. Many of my paintings--both oils and watercolors--are on sale, 50% or more. Landscapes, cityscapes, florals, animals, and still lifes, you name it! Please click here to go to the sale section on my Etsy shop.

My prices are rising and many exciting things are happening in my studio. As my only child is starting college this fall, I will have more time to devote to, experiment, and deepen my art. It is a perfect time to start collecting my artwork; if you are already a collector, add a few more to your collection!

Thank you for your continuing support and I hope to hear from you!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

"Kauai Sunrise" (oil on stretched canvas; 24" x 24" x 2 1/4")

click here to buy

A few years ago, my family spent a blissful week in the tropical island of Kauai.  On the last day of our vacation, I got up early to greet the dawn.  As the blinding light almost obliterated the divides between the sky, sea, and beach, I felt melting in the warm, all-embracing light.  "Kauai Sunrise" is based on a sun-bleached photo I took that morning.  Isn't my painting much cooler?  What do you say?

The reference photo

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Collage of My June Paintings

The Collage of My June 2016 Paintings

At the beginning of each month, I share the collage of my work from the previous month.  Here is the one for June 2016.  Rather an odd bunch, I think.  I wasn't as productive as I could have been, thanks to my daughter's high school graduation hoopla--too many events, ceremonies, recitals, and parties! 

I have also been trying to balance my love for oils and watercolors by working on oil paintings in the morning and creating watercolors in the afternoon, in addition to experimental work in my sketchbook and art history reading in the evening.  Yes, it is an ambitious lifestyle, but life is short and as the Romans said, carpe diem is my motto!