
Sunday, October 26, 2014

"Degas's Little Dancer" (oil on stretched canvas; 12" x 9") sold


The "Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer" by Edgar Degas, with the pert expression and upturned nose, is one of the most famous sculptures in the world, and there are 28 bronze copies around the world!  The one I painted is from the Musee d'Orsay.

The sculpture is two-thirds life size and was originally sculptured in wax.  It is dress in a real bodice, tutu, and ballet slippers and has a wig of real hair.  The tutus worn by the bronzes vary from museum to museum.  For instance, the one at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC has a skimpy tutu.

By the way, "Degas's Little Dancer" is an infinity painting.  It keeps going!

From the left

From the right

Saturday, October 25, 2014

"Art Date with Monet's Water Lilies" (oil on stretched canvas; 9" x 12") sold


Paris is a city of museums.  During my short visit while back, I have checked out several and wished I could have stayed longer to visit more museums.  The Musee de l'Orangerie is an art gallery of impressionist and post-impressionist paintings located in the west corner of the Tuileries Gardens in Paris.  The museum is most famous for being the permanent home for eight Water Lilies murals (Les Nympheas) by Claude Monet, which wrap around a white oval room.  A perfect setting for a romantic art date!

By the way, "Art Date" is an infinity painting.  It keeps going!

From the left

From the right

Friday, October 24, 2014

"Golden Gate Bridge Nocturne" (oil on linen; 9" x 12")

click here to buy

From the Marin Headlands, one can see a spectacular view of the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco skyline.  It is even more spectacular at clear night.  Look at the reflections of the brightly lit bridge in the San Francisco Bay!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"Vietnam Veterans Memorial" (oil on linen; 8" x 10") sold


The sun rises over the wall that honors those who served in the Vietnam War. Inscribed on the black granite walls are the names of more than 58,000 men and women who gave their lives or remain missing.  Early in the day, without the crowds, when the grass is still wet with morning dew, I visited to pay my respect the wall that heals.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kim Stenberg Fine Art 2015 Calendar has arrived on Etsy!

click here to buy
$22, plus $8 for shipping/handling

I decided to offer a calendar for the first time.  Yeah!  My 12-month deluxe wall calendar is printed on premium glossy card stock, and features full reproductions of 12 of my original paintings in oil and watercolor on black background.  The dimension of this handsome calendar is 17" x 11".

Twelve month of joy!

Monday, October 20, 2014

"Rockefeller Center Christmas" (oil on linen; 9" x 12") sold


It is Christmastime in New York City!  The Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, towering above the ice rink below, all decked out in its finest holiday bling, is a world-wide symbol of the holidays in New York City.  Personally, I like the angels playing trumpets even more!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

"Loving Hand Puppies" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Loving Hand Puppies" is for Kelley.  Her best friend is getting married and the happy couple used the reference photo of the painting to announce their engagement.  Kelley's friend with the engagement ring is holding lovingly their two rescue puppies, who look totally different, but are brother and sister from the same litter.  So Kelley thought the picture-turned-portrait would make a sensational wedding gift.  Brilliant!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

"Lucy" (oil on linen; 7" x 7") sold


"Lucy" is for Lauren, who keeps my custom portrait business going single-handedly.  This is her 5th commission.  Thank you, Lauren!  "Lucy" is for Lauren's daughter.

Perky would be an understatement when it comes to Lucy.  Even though she is well over 10 years old, she has the most wonderful smile and the brightest eyes.  A truly happy pooch.  Not too bad for a bedraggled little creature, abandoned on the streets of Omaha 7 years ago.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"Tower Bridge Magic" (oil on linen; 9" x 12") sold


The Tower Bridge is one of the icons of the United Kingdom.  It always looks impressive in its ornate grandeur.  Against a colorful sunset sky, well, it turns into a gigantic jewel!  Below is another version of the same fabulous bridge.  Which painting do you like better!

"Tower Bridge Nocturne" (oil, 9" x 12"; sold)

Monday, October 13, 2014

The Blog Hop Around the World

click here to go to my Etsy cityscape section

My website:
My blog:
My Etsy shop: Kim Stenberg Fine Art
My Facebook page:

I am thrilled to be part of the Blog Hop Around the World.  My friend and fellow artist, Jo Mackenzie, was the one who honored me with her invitation.  She is a terrific watercolorist whose artistic enthusiasm and productivity are legendary.  She is also one of the most generous persons I know!

I am what they call a self-taught artist, as I don't have any art degrees.  I do, however, have three advanced degrees in history.  I received a PhD degree in British history from the University of Minnesota in 1993 and has taught history at the college level for 20 years until my early retirement.

click here to go to my Etsy floral section

Turning 50 was the reason for my foolhardy decision to become a full-time artist.  Although I was delusional about selling my paintings like hotcakes, quitting my job and committing myself to what I always wanted to do made all the difference.  I have been working prodigiously hard for the last four years and, I believe, my paintings have improved tremendously.

One of my "problems" is that I like to paint pretty much everything!  I paint figure, animal, landscape, floral, and occasionally still life.  I paint in two very different mediums of oil and watercolor in quite different styles.  I find beauty in so many things that I want to try to render them in paint, to see if I can make them come alive by capturing light striking them.

click here to go to my Etsy landscape section

The turning point in my art business came about when I started painting pet portraits in the summer of the last year, partly influenced by my friend, Jo Mackenzie.  Who knew I had a natural knack for capturing the spirit, not just the likeness, of cats and dogs!  My pet portraits have brought joys of tears to my clients.

click here to go to my Etsy custom pet portrait section

The success of my custom pet portraits led me to venture into the portrait business.  I plan to take classes with a renowned portrait artist, Danni Dawson, for the next couple of years to strengthen my portraits.

click here to go to my Etsy custom portrait section

I like to work in series.  The collage below was created with some of the watercolor floral still lifes I painted in March 2013.  Yes, I work in watercolors too!  In fact, I used to be a watercolorist for a long time until I decided to try oils several years ago.

click here to go to my Etsy watercolor section

As I like to challenge myself, in the summer of 2013, I did a series of watercolors on Yupo, one of the most difficult surfaces to paint on.  Here is the collage that resulted from my Yupo Challenge.

click here to go to my Etsy watercolor section

My current passion is cityscapes.  As a big city girl from Seoul, Korea, I love what big cities can offer--monuments, museums, parks, bridges, boulevards, bustling neighborhoods, etc. My favorite cities--Paris, London, New York, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Venice, etc.--are my muse!

Now I am passing the baton to my friend, CJ Roughton.  CJ paints in oils and likes to paint people and pets.  She has been nursing her sick husband for the past months, and is excited to get back to the game with the Blog Hop.  She will post next Monday the 20th. Stay tuned!

Friday, October 10, 2014

"Venetian Gondolier" (oil on linen; 8" x 10") sold


Venice, one of the most enchanting cities in the world, on a sunny, shimmering day.  Glide on a gondola through the meandering canals.  In Venice, one forgets time and becomes timeless. It's like a dream.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"Paris Notre Dame Nocturne" (oil on linen; 9" x 12") sold


Paris at dusk is the most romantic place in the world.  Take a walk along the Seine River.  The famed river looks like a moat guarding the equally famed Notre Dame in the Ile de la Cite. The cathedral is the birth place of the Gothic architecture, which I adore.  Unfortunately, the style is so ornate, almost phantasmagorical.  But, from the side, in dim light, and much of the enormous structure hidden, I can handle it!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

"Alexander III Bridge at Dusk" (oil on linen; 9" x 12") sold


Paris at dusk in the most romantic place in the world, especially, by the Pont Alexandre III along the Seine River.  It is the most extravagant bridge in the city, with its exuberant Art Nouveau lamps, cherubs, nymphs, and winged horses at either end.  I can see vaguely the Invalides in the distance.  Ah, Paris!

Friday, October 3, 2014

"Salty" (oil on linen; 8" x 6") sold


"Salty" is for Marie who commissioned me to paint this adorable Bichon Frise for her dear friend.  Salty is ten year old and is a sweet boy with a dashing sense of style!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Collage of My September Paintings

Collage of My September 2014 Paintings

Last month, including reworked paintings, I finished 25 paintings!  As many of my readers may know, September was the month of Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge.  I didn't participate in it, because I learned from experience that it was unnecessarily stressful.  I don't need the external stimulation, because I am an artoholic who cannot live without art!

By the way, I started a new series of "Cityscapes" with a new section on my Etsy store.  As a big city girl from Seoul, Korea, I love what big cities can offer--monuments, museums, parks, bridges, boulevards, bustling neighborhoods, etc.!  In the coming weeks, you will be seeing lots of paintings of my favorite cities--Paris, London, New York, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Venice, etc.